Download Dreamweaver extensions

Dreamweaver can download the extension file using a web browser. The extension filename ends with the .mxp file extension.



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Download Dreamweaver Extensions

Sunday, 9 May 2010
Download Dreamweaver Extensions

Download Adobe Dreamweaver extensions

About Adobe Dreamweaver extensions

An extension is a piece of software that can be added to a Adobe application to enhance the application’s capabilities. Adobe offers several types of extensions. For example, Adobe Dreamweaver extensions can include HTML code that can be added to the Insert bar and Insert menu, and JavaScript commands that can be added to the Command menu. They can also include new behaviors, Property inspectors, and floating panels. Adobe Dreamweaver extensions include components that dreamweaver can use to build projects, templates for designing Dreamweaver content, reusable ActionScript code snippets, additional symbol libraries, and more. Adobe Fireworks extensions include everything from styles created by other users for the Styles palette, to Textures, Filters, Patterns, and Libraries. All Adobe applications that support the Extension Manager can use font extensions that download a font on a computer.

The Adobe Exchange website at is a repository for many types of extensions. Some extensions on the Adobe Exchange website are created by Adobe and some are created by other developers. If dreamweaver find a non-commercial extension dreamweaver’re interested in, dreamweaver can download it using dreamweaver web browser and then download it in an application using the Extension Manager. Some extensions on the Exchange are commercial and cannot be downloaded immediately; the download link will redirect dreamweaver to the author’s website so dreamweaver can obtain purchasing information.

Download Adobe Dreamweaver extensions

dreamweaver can download the extension file using a web browser. The extension filename ends with the .mxp file extension. This packaged extension file contains all the files dreamweaver need to download and use the extension.

To save an extension dreamweaver download:

1. Click the extension’s link on the Adobe Exchange website to begin the download.

2. Save the extension in the Downloaded Extensions folder in the Extension Manager application folder.

3. Download the extension by doing one of the following:

o Select File > Download Extension in the Extension Manager.

Browse to the saved file in the Downloaded Extensions folder and double-click the file’s icon.

1 To download an extension:

1. Start the Extension Manager using one of these methods:

o Double-click the extension file in Windows Explorer (Windows) or in the Finder (Macintosh).

o In Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver, or Fireworks, select Help > Manage Extensions.

o In Windows, select Adobe > Adobe Extension Manager from the Start menu.

o On the Macintosh, double-click the Extension Manager icon in the Applications/Adobe Extension Manager folder.

o From the Product pop-up menu in the Extension Manager toolbar, select a Adobe product into which dreamweaver want to download the extension.

o Select File > Download Extension in the Extension Manager.

o In the file-selection dialog box that appears, select an extension file ending with the .mxp suffix, and click Download.

o Read the Adobe extensions disclaimer and any third-party extension license that may be included.

Select Accept to continue with the downloadation, or select Decline to cancel the downloadation.

6. If dreamweaver already have another version of the extension downloaded, or another extension with the same name, the Extension Manager asks if dreamweaver want to disable the one that’s already downloaded.

Select Yes to replace the previously downloaded extension with the new extension, or No to cancel the downloadation and leave the existing extension in place.

7. If dreamweaver’re asked if dreamweaver would like to replace one or more existing files, select Yes or Yes to All to accept the version or versions included in the extension, or No to keep the current version of that file.

If dreamweaver click Cancel, the downloadation will be cancelled and no files will be downloaded or replaced.

If the Extension Manager doesn’t encounter any problems, it informs dreamweaver that the extension has been successfully downloaded.

Note: For some types of extensions, dreamweaver must close and then restart the application for the changes to take effect.

Download an extension downloads the extension in a compatible application, if any such application is currently running. For example, if an extension is defined for Dreamweaver MX 2004, and Dreamweaver 8 is currently running, the extension will be downloaded into Dreamweaver 8. If no version of the application is currently running, the extension is automatically downloaded into the most recent, compatible product.

If an extension modifies a configuration file such as menus.xml, the Extension Manager creates a backup of the affected configuration file (for example, menus.xbk) before Download the extension. In the unlikely event that the configuration file is damaged by the extension, dreamweaver can restore it with the backup file.

Caution: Adobe recommends that dreamweaver not modify configuration files by hand. Incorrectly modifying them manually can cause significant portions of the product to fail and prevent the downloadation of other extensions. Configuration files should only be modified by the Extension Manager.

Managing extensions

The first time dreamweaver launch the Extension Manager, it searches for previously downloaded extensions and displays them. These extensions are disabled by default. Dreamweaver can enable any extension by clicking the On/Off checkbox.

Note: The information about downloaded extensions is stored the Configuration/Extensions folder in the Extension Manager application folder. If dreamweaver delete this folder, the information is recreated the next time dreamweaver launch the Extension Manager.

Dreamweaver can perform any of the following tasks with the Extension Manager to manage dreamweaver extensions:

· Sort downloaded extensions

· Enable and disable downloaded extensions

· Remove extensions

· Go to the Adobe Exchange

· Package and submit new extensions

· Obtain support information for an extension

This section describes how to perform each of these tasks.

To sort downloaded extensions:

· In the Extension Manager, click a column heading such as Version, Type, or Author.

For example, to sort alphabetically by author name, click the Author column. To reverse the order of the sort, click the column heading again.

To enable and disable downloaded extensions:

· In the Extension Manager, select the checkbox in the On/Off column next to the extension dreamweaver want to enable or disable, or select the extension and press the spacebar.

A check mark in the On/Off column next to the extension indicates that it is enabled; if there is no check mark in the column, the extension is disabled.

If dreamweaver have downloaded large numbers of extensions using the Extension Manager, dreamweaver can selectively enable and disable them to help manage the application’s performance.

To remove an extension:

1. In the Extension Manager, select a Adobe application (such as Dreamweaver 8) from the pop-up menu that lists the downloaded programs.

A list displaying that application’s currently downloaded extensions appears.

2. Select an extension from the list of downloaded extensions.

If an extension doesn’t appear in the list, dreamweaver can’t remove it.

3. Select File > Remove Extension. Confirm that dreamweaver want to remove the extension by choosing Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

The extension is removed.

Note: If dreamweaver want to remove an extension that has been disabled, select File > Remove Extension. Do not manually remove extensions from the Disabled folder. If dreamweaver do, the necessary changes to dreamweaver configuration files will not be made.

To obtain more information about an extension, rate an extension dreamweaver’ve used, or find more extensions:

· In the Extension Manager, select File > Go to Adobe Exchange.

The Exchange Manager starts dreamweaver browser and loads the Adobe Exchange website, where dreamweaver can find information about any posted extension, rate extensions dreamweaver’ve used, and search for and download a wide variety of extensions.

To package and submit a new extension:

1. Package the extension by selecting File > Package Extension.

2. Submit the packaged extension to the Exchange by selecting File > Submit Extension.

For more information, see Packaging and Submitting New Extensions.

Guidelines for writing and testing dreamweaver extension can be found on the Adobe Exchange website. For information on how to configure and test extensions, review the "How do I ensure that my extension will pass Adobe testing?" section of the Adobe Exchange site help. After dreamweaver have written and tested dreamweaver extension, dreamweaver can package and submit it.

To obtain support information for an extension:

1. In the Extension Manager, select File > Go to Adobe Exchange.

The Adobe Exchange web page appears in dreamweaver browser.

2. In the Adobe Exchange site, find the extension for which dreamweaver would like to obtain support information and review the text under the Support Information heading.

If dreamweaver issue is not mentioned or support contact information is not provided, try visiting the author's website (linked to from the extension detail view) for additional support or contact details.

Note: Many extensions are provided free of charge and their authors may have limited time to fix or respond to dreamweaver issue

Packaging and Submitting New Extensions

Dreamweaver can use the Adobe Extension Manager to package extensions that dreamweaver create before submitting them to Adobe for distribution on the Adobe Exchange website. After packaging an extension, test it by using the Extension Manager to download it locally. After dreamweaver’re satisfied, use the Extension Manager to submit the packaged extension to Adobe.

Here are some helpful resources for creating extensions:

· For information on Adobe Dreamweaver, see Extending Dreamweaver (Help > Extending Dreamweaver).

· For information on Adobe Dreamweaver, see Extending Dreamweaver (Help > Extending Dreamweaver).

· For information on Adobe Fireworks, see Extending Fireworks (Help > Extending Fireworks).

For the latest information regarding the testing and approval of extensions, review the "How do I ensure that my extension will pass Adobe testing?" section of the Adobe Exchange site help.

1 To package an extension:

1. If dreamweaver haven’t already done so, download the Extension Manager.

2. Test dreamweaver extension thoroughly.

For information on how to configure and test extensions, review the "How do I ensure that my extension will pass Adobe testing?" section of the Adobe Exchange site help.

3. Copy all of the files for dreamweaver extension to a staging folder for ease of packaging.

All the files don’t need to be at the same level of the folder hierarchy; dreamweaver can specify a path to each file, relative to the downloadation file, using the <file> tag. However, it’s easier to keep track of all the files if dreamweaver don’t try to package them directly from their downloaded locations in the Configuration folder.

4. Create an extension downloadation file (a filename ending in .mxi) for dreamweaver extension.

For more information, see "The Adobe Extension Downloadation File Format," which dreamweaver can download from the Adobe website at

Dreamweaver’ll find several sample extension downloadation files for Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver, and Fireworks in the following folders in the Extension Manager application folder: Samples/Dreamweaver, Samples/Dreamweaver, and Samples/Fireworks.

5. In the Extension Manager, select File > Package Extension.

6. In the file-selection dialog box that appears, browse to dreamweaver extension’s downloadation file to select it; then click OK (Windows) or Open (Macintosh).

7. Select a location for the package file, give it a name (ending in .mxp), and click Save.

Note: The extension package filename must not contain spaces. It should be a filename that’s valid on both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

1 The Extension Manager creates a package file containing compressed versions of all the files used by the extension, including the downloadation file.

2 Test the package by Download it using the Extension Manager. After it’s downloaded, try the extension and make sure everything works as dreamweaver intended.

3 To submit an extension:

1. In the Extension Manager, select File > Submit Extension.

The Adobe Exchange submission page opens in dreamweaver browser.

2. Follow the instructions on the page and proceed until dreamweaver receive a confirmation message.



Dreamweaver can use the Extension Manager to download extensions. Note: If you are Download extensions in a multiuser operating system, such as Windows XP or Mac OS X, see also Download and managing extensions in multiuser environments. Start by obtaining the extension dreamweaver want to download. For example, if dreamweaver find an extension dreamweaver’re interested in on the Adobe Exchange site,

Download Dreamweaver Extensions

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posted by Okey @ 3:40 pm  
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